IPUMS NHGIS Dataset Metadata

NHGIS summary tables are organized into datasets distinguished by the years, geographic levels and topics they cover; by the data source and survey coverage (e.g., sample-based vs. 100% count); and by the breakdown variables available. An overview of datasets and a catalog of source documentation are available on the NHGIS website.

Get High-Level Metadata for All Datasets

This API call will return a list of all available datasets. The entry for each dataset includes metadata for the dataset’s name and description. The unique identifier for each dataset is in the name field. This is needed for retrieving details about a single dataset (see next section).

my_headers = {"Authorization": my_key}
url = "https://api.ipums.org/metadata/nhgis/datasets?version=v1"
nhgis_metadata = requests.get(url, headers=my_headers)
# Results
[{'description': 'Population Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1790 Census',
  'name': '1790_cPop',
  'sequence': 101},
 {'description': 'Population Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1800 Census',
  'name': '1800_cPop',
  'sequence': 201},
 {'description': 'Population Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1810 Census',
  'name': '1810_cPop',
  'sequence': 301},
 {'description': 'Population Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1820 Census',
  'name': '1820_cPop',
  'sequence': 401},
 {'description': 'Population Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1830 Census',
  'name': '1830_cPop',
  'sequence': 501},
 {'description': 'Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1840 Census',
  'name': '1840_cAg',
  'sequence': 601},
 {'description': 'Manufacturing Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1840 Census',
  'name': '1840_cMfg',
  'sequence': 602},
 {'description': 'Population & Other Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1840 Census',
  'name': '1840_cPopX',
  'sequence': 603},
 {'description': 'Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1850 Census',
  'name': '1850_cAg',
  'sequence': 701},
 {'description': 'Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1850 Census',
  'name': '1850_cPAX',
  'sequence': 702},
 {'description': 'Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US & States]',
  'group': '1850 Census',
  'name': '1850_sPAX',
  'sequence': 703},
 {'description': 'Farm Real Estate Values [States & Counties]',
  'group': '1850-1959 Census of Agriculture',
  'name': '1850_1959_cFV',
  'sequence': 801},
 {'description': 'Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1860 Census',
  'name': '1860_cAg',
  'sequence': 901},
 {'description': 'Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1860 Census',
  'name': '1860_cPAX',
  'sequence': 902},
 {'description': 'Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US & States]',
  'group': '1860 Census',
  'name': '1860_sPAX',
  'sequence': 903},
 {'description': 'Marriage & Divorce Data [Counties]',
  'group': '1867-2010 Vital Statistics',
  'name': '1867_2010_cMD',
  'sequence': 1001},
 {'description': 'Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1870 Census',
  'name': '1870_cAg',
  'sequence': 1101},
 {'description': 'Manufacturing Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1870 Census',
  'name': '1870_cMfg',
  'sequence': 1102},
 {'description': 'Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1870 Census',
  'name': '1870_cPAX',
  'sequence': 1103},
 {'description': 'Population, Housing & Other Data [US & States]',
  'group': '1870 Census',
  'name': '1870_sPHX',
  'sequence': 1104},
 {'description': 'Race & Nativity Data [US & States]',
  'group': '1870 Census',
  'name': '1870_sRN',
  'sequence': 1105},
 {'description': 'Religious Bodies, Occupation & Government Data [US & States]',
  'group': '1870 Census',
  'name': '1870_sROG',
  'sequence': 1106},
 {'description': 'Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1880 Census',
  'name': '1880_cAg',
  'sequence': 1201},
 {'description': 'Place of Birth, School, Manufacturing & Other Data [US & '
  'group': '1880 Census',
  'name': '1880_sPbSMX',
  'sequence': 1202},
 {'description': 'Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties]',
  'group': '1880 Census',
  'name': '1880_cPAX',
  'sequence': 1203},
url <- "https://api.ipums.org/metadata/nhgis/datasets?version=v1"
result <- GET(url, add_headers(Authorization = my_key))
res_df <- content(result, "parsed", simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
head(res_df, n = 20L) # Contains metadata
# Results
            name                           group
1      1790_cPop                     1790 Census
2      1800_cPop                     1800 Census
3      1810_cPop                     1810 Census
4      1820_cPop                     1820 Census
5      1830_cPop                     1830 Census
6       1840_cAg                     1840 Census
7      1840_cMfg                     1840 Census
8     1840_cPopX                     1840 Census
9       1850_cAg                     1850 Census
10     1850_cPAX                     1850 Census
11     1850_sPAX                     1850 Census
12 1850_1959_cFV 1850-1959 Census of Agriculture
13      1860_cAg                     1860 Census
14     1860_cPAX                     1860 Census
15     1860_sPAX                     1860 Census
16 1867_2010_cMD      1867-2010 Vital Statistics
17      1870_cAg                     1870 Census
18     1870_cMfg                     1870 Census
19     1870_cPAX                     1870 Census
20     1870_sPHX                     1870 Census
                                                    description sequence
1                       Population Data [US, States & Counties]      101
2                       Population Data [US, States & Counties]      201
3                       Population Data [US, States & Counties]      301
4                       Population Data [US, States & Counties]      401
5                       Population Data [US, States & Counties]      501
6                      Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]      601
7                    Manufacturing Data [US, States & Counties]      602
8               Population & Other Data [US, States & Counties]      603
9                      Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]      701
10 Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties]      702
11           Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US & States]      703
12                  Farm Real Estate Values [States & Counties]      801
13                     Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]      901
14 Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties]      902
15           Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US & States]      903
16                           Marriage & Divorce Data [Counties]     1001
17                     Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]     1101
18                   Manufacturing Data [US, States & Counties]     1102
19 Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties]     1103
20               Population, Housing & Other Data [US & States]     1104
curl -X GET \
  https://api.ipums.org/metadata/nhgis/datasets?version=v1 \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: $MY_KEY"
# Results
    "name": "1790_cPop",
    "group": "1790 Census",
    "description": "Population Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 101
    "name": "1800_cPop",
    "group": "1800 Census",
    "description": "Population Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 201
    "name": "1810_cPop",
    "group": "1810 Census",
    "description": "Population Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 301
    "name": "1820_cPop",
    "group": "1820 Census",
    "description": "Population Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 401
    "name": "1830_cPop",
    "group": "1830 Census",
    "description": "Population Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 501
    "name": "1840_cAg",
    "group": "1840 Census",
    "description": "Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 601
    "name": "1840_cMfg",
    "group": "1840 Census",
    "description": "Manufacturing Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 602
    "name": "1840_cPopX",
    "group": "1840 Census",
    "description": "Population & Other Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 603
    "name": "1850_cAg",
    "group": "1850 Census",
    "description": "Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 701
    "name": "1850_cPAX",
    "group": "1850 Census",
    "description": "Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 702
    "name": "1850_sPAX",
    "group": "1850 Census",
    "description": "Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US & States]",
    "sequence": 703
    "name": "1850_1959_cFV",
    "group": "1850-1959 Census of Agriculture",
    "description": "Farm Real Estate Values [States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 801
    "name": "1860_cAg",
    "group": "1860 Census",
    "description": "Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 901
    "name": "1860_cPAX",
    "group": "1860 Census",
    "description": "Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties]",
    "sequence": 902
    "name": "1860_sPAX",
    "group": "1860 Census",
    "description": "Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US & States]",
    "sequence": 903
    "name": "1867_2010_cMD",
    "group": "1867-2010 Vital Statistics",
    "description": "Marriage & Divorce Data [Counties]",
    "sequence": 1001
    "name": "1870_cAg",
    "group": "1870 Census",
    "description": "Agriculture Data [US, States & Counties]",

Get Detailed Metadata for a Single Dataset

This API call will return the details of a single dataset, 1790_cPop in this example. The details include the name and description of each each table within the dataset, as well as the geographic levels for which this dataset is available.

my_headers = {"Authorization": my_key}
url = "https://api.ipums.org/metadata/nhgis/datasets/1790_cPop?version=v1"
nhgis_metadata = requests.get(url, headers=my_headers)
# Results
{'data_tables': [{'description': 'Total Population',
                  'name': 'NT1',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAA',
                  'sequence': 1},
                 {'description': 'Urban Population (Incorporated Places 2,500 '
                                 'and Over)',
                  'name': 'NT2',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAK',
                  'sequence': 2},
                 {'description': 'Urban Population in Cities of 25,000 and '
                  'name': 'NT3',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAN',
                  'sequence': 3},
                 {'description': 'White Males and Estimated White Females by '
                                 'Sex by Age',
                  'name': 'NT4',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAO',
                  'sequence': 4},
                 {'description': 'White Population by Sex',
                  'name': 'NT5',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAP',
                  'sequence': 5},
                 {'description': 'Race/Slave Status',
                  'name': 'NT6',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAQ',
                  'sequence': 6},
                 {'description': 'Total Number of Families',
                  'name': 'NT9',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAR',
                  'sequence': 7},
                 {'description': 'Number of Family Members',
                  'name': 'NT10',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAB',
                  'sequence': 8},
                 {'description': 'White Population by Nationality',
                  'name': 'NT12',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAC',
                  'sequence': 9},
                 {'description': 'Families by Slaveholding Status',
                  'name': 'NT13',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAD',
                  'sequence': 10},
                 {'description': 'Families by Slaveholding Status by Race',
                  'name': 'NT14',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAE',
                  'sequence': 11},
                 {'description': 'White Family Members by Slaveholding Status',
                  'name': 'NT15',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAF',
                  'sequence': 12},
                 {'description': 'Average Number of Members in White Families '
                                 'by Slaveholding Status',
                  'name': 'NT16',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAG',
                  'sequence': 13},
                 {'description': 'Percent of Families by Slaveholding Status '
                                 'by Race',
                  'name': 'NT17',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAH',
                  'sequence': 14},
                 {'description': 'Total Number of Slaves',
                  'name': 'NT18',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAI',
                  'sequence': 15},
                 {'description': 'Average Number of Slaves per Slaveholding '
                  'name': 'NT19',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAJ',
                  'sequence': 16},
                 {'description': 'Slaveholding Families by Number of Slaves',
                  'name': 'NT20',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAL',
                  'sequence': 17},
                 {'description': 'Race',
                  'name': 'NT21',
                  'nhgis_code': 'AAM',
                  'sequence': 18}],
 'description': 'Population Data [US, States & Counties]',
 'geog_levels': [{'description': 'Nation',
                  'has_geog_extent_selection': False,
                  'name': 'nation',
                  'sequence': 1},
                 {'description': 'State',
                  'has_geog_extent_selection': False,
                  'name': 'state',
                  'sequence': 4},
                 {'description': 'State--County',
                  'has_geog_extent_selection': False,
                  'name': 'county',
                  'sequence': 25}],
 'group': '1790 Census',
 'has_multiple_data_types': False,
 'name': '1790_cPop',
 'nhgis_id': 'ds1',
 'sequence': 101}
url <- "https://api.ipums.org/metadata/nhgis/datasets/1790_cPop?version=v1"
result <- GET(url, add_headers(Authorization = my_key))
res_df <- content(result, "parsed", simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
head(res_df, n = 20L) # Contains metadata
# Results
[1] "1790_cPop"

[1] "ds1"

[1] "1790 Census"

[1] "Population Data [US, States & Counties]"

[1] 101


   name nhgis_code
1   NT1        AAA
2   NT2        AAK
3   NT3        AAN
4   NT4        AAO
5   NT5        AAP
6   NT6        AAQ
7   NT9        AAR
8  NT10        AAB
9  NT12        AAC
10 NT13        AAD
11 NT14        AAE
12 NT15        AAF
13 NT16        AAG
14 NT17        AAH
15 NT18        AAI
16 NT19        AAJ
17 NT20        AAL
18 NT21        AAM
                                                          description sequence
1                                                    Total Population        1
2               Urban Population (Incorporated Places 2,500 and Over)        2
3                       Urban Population in Cities of 25,000 and Over        3
4               White Males and Estimated White Females by Sex by Age        4
5                                             White Population by Sex        5
6                                                   Race/Slave Status        6
7                                            Total Number of Families        7
8                                            Number of Family Members        8
9                                     White Population by Nationality        9
10                                    Families by Slaveholding Status       10
11                            Families by Slaveholding Status by Race       11
12                        White Family Members by Slaveholding Status       12
13 Average Number of Members in White Families by Slaveholding Status       13
14                 Percent of Families by Slaveholding Status by Race       14
15                                             Total Number of Slaves       15
16                   Average Number of Slaves per Slaveholding Family       16
17                          Slaveholding Families by Number of Slaves       17
18                                                               Race       18

    name   description has_geog_extent_selection sequence
1 nation        Nation                     FALSE        1
2  state         State                     FALSE        4
3 county State--County                     FALSE       25
curl -X GET \
  https://api.ipums.org/metadata/nhgis/datasets/1790_cPop?version=v1 \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: $MY_KEY"
# Results
  "name": "1790_cPop",
  "nhgis_id": "ds1",
  "group": "1790 Census",
  "description": "Population Data [US, States & Counties]",
  "sequence": 101,
  "has_multiple_data_types": false,
  "data_tables": [
      "name": "NT1",
      "nhgis_code": "AAA",
      "description": "Total Population",
      "sequence": 1
      "name": "NT2",
      "nhgis_code": "AAK",
      "description": "Urban Population (Incorporated Places 2,500 and Over)",
      "sequence": 2
      "name": "NT3",
      "nhgis_code": "AAN",
      "description": "Urban Population in Cities of 25,000 and Over",
      "sequence": 3
      "name": "NT4",
      "nhgis_code": "AAO",
      "description": "White Males and Estimated White Females by Sex by Age",
      "sequence": 4
      "name": "NT5",
      "nhgis_code": "AAP",
      "description": "White Population by Sex",
      "sequence": 5
      "name": "NT6",
      "nhgis_code": "AAQ",
      "description": "Race/Slave Status",
      "sequence": 6
      "name": "NT9",
      "nhgis_code": "AAR",
      "description": "Total Number of Families",
      "sequence": 7
      "name": "NT10",
      "nhgis_code": "AAB",
      "description": "Number of Family Members",
      "sequence": 8
      "name": "NT12",
      "nhgis_code": "AAC",
      "description": "White Population by Nationality",
      "sequence": 9
      "name": "NT13",
      "nhgis_code": "AAD",
      "description": "Families by Slaveholding Status",
      "sequence": 10
      "name": "NT14",
      "nhgis_code": "AAE",
      "description": "Families by Slaveholding Status by Race",
      "sequence": 11
      "name": "NT15",
      "nhgis_code": "AAF",
      "description": "White Family Members by Slaveholding Status",
      "sequence": 12
      "name": "NT16",
      "nhgis_code": "AAG",
      "description": "Average Number of Members in White Families by Slaveholding Status",
      "sequence": 13
      "name": "NT17",
      "nhgis_code": "AAH",
      "description": "Percent of Families by Slaveholding Status by Race",
      "sequence": 14
      "name": "NT18",
      "nhgis_code": "AAI",
      "description": "Total Number of Slaves",
      "sequence": 15
      "name": "NT19",
      "nhgis_code": "AAJ",

Dataset Attributes

  • name: The unique identifier of the dataset.
  • group: The group of datasets to which this dataset belongs.
  • description: A short description of the dataset.
  • sequence: The order in which the dataset will appear in the metadata API and extracts.
  • has_multiple_data_types: A boolean indicating if multiple data types exist for this dataset. For example, the American Community Survey datasets have margins of error as well as estimate data types. Use the breakdown_and_data_type_layout parameter on your extract to specify how these data types are structured in your extract.
  • data_tables: A list of data tables available for this dataset.
  • geog_levels: A list of geographic levels available for this dataset.
    • name: The unique identifier of the geographic level.
    • description: A short description of the geographic level.
    • has_geog_extent_selection: Whether or not extent selection is applied (and required) for this geography level. See geographic_instances for a list of valid extents.
  • breakdowns: A list of breakdowns available for this dataset.
  • years: (Optional) If a dataset includes data from multiple years, then this is a list of its years.
  • geographic_instances: (Optional) If a dataset has any geographic levels that have extent selection, then this a list of the valid extents for this dataset.

Get Metadata for a Table

This API call will return the metadata details for a specific table, NP19 from 1990_STF1 in this example. This includes the NHGIS code, which appears in the codebook and is prepended to the variable names in the extract. The universe information is also returned, along with codes and descriptions for each variable.

my_headers = {"Authorization": my_key}
url = "https://api.ipums.org/metadata/nhgis/datasets/1990_STF1/data_tables/NP19?version=v1"
nhgis_metadata = requests.get(url, headers=my_headers)
# Results
{'description': 'Race of Householder by Household Type',
 'name': 'NP19',
 'nhgis_code': 'EUC',
 'sequence': 20,
 'universe': 'Households',
 'variables': [{'description': 'White >> Family households: Married-couple '
                               'family: With related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC001'},
               {'description': 'White >> Family households: Married-couple '
                               'family: No related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC002'},
               {'description': 'White >> Family households: Other family: Male '
                               'householder, no wife present: With related '
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC003'},
               {'description': 'White >> Family households: Other family: Male '
                               'householder, no wife present: No related '
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC004'},
               {'description': 'White >> Family households: Other family: '
                               'Female householder, no husband present: With '
                               'related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC005'},
               {'description': 'White >> Family households: Other family: '
                               'Female householder, no husband present: No '
                               'related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC006'},
               {'description': 'White >> Nonfamily households: Householder '
                               'living alone',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC007'},
               {'description': 'White >> Nonfamily households: Householder not '
                               'living alone',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC008'},
               {'description': 'Black >> Family households: Married-couple '
                               'family: With related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC009'},
               {'description': 'Black >> Family households: Married-couple '
                               'family: No related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC010'},
               {'description': 'Black >> Family households: Other family: Male '
                               'householder, no wife present: With related '
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC011'},
               {'description': 'Black >> Family households: Other family: Male '
                               'householder, no wife present: No related '
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC012'},
               {'description': 'Black >> Family households: Other family: '
                               'Female householder, no husband present: With '
                               'related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC013'},
               {'description': 'Black >> Family households: Other family: '
                               'Female householder, no husband present: No '
                               'related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC014'},
               {'description': 'Black >> Nonfamily households: Householder '
                               'living alone',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC015'},
               {'description': 'Black >> Nonfamily households: Householder not '
                               'living alone',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC016'},
               {'description': 'American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family '
                               'households: Married-couple family: With '
                               'related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC017'},
               {'description': 'American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family '
                               'households: Married-couple family: No related '
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC018'},
               {'description': 'American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family '
                               'households: Other family: Male householder, no '
                               'wife present: With related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC019'},
               {'description': 'American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family '
                               'households: Other family: Male householder, no '
                               'wife present: No related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC020'},
               {'description': 'American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family '
                               'households: Other family: Female householder, '
                               'no husband present: With related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC021'},
               {'description': 'American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family '
                               'households: Other family: Female householder, '
                               'no husband present: No related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC022'},
               {'description': 'American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Nonfamily '
                               'households: Householder living alone',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC023'},
               {'description': 'American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Nonfamily '
                               'households: Householder not living alone',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC024'},
               {'description': 'Asian or Pacific Islander >> Family '
                               'households: Married-couple family: With '
                               'related children',
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC025'},
               {'description': 'Asian or Pacific Islander >> Family '
                               'households: Married-couple family: No related '
                'nhgis_code': 'EUC026'},
               {'description': 'Asian or Pacific Islander >> Family '
                               'households: Other family: Male householder, no '
url <- "https://api.ipums.org/metadata/nhgis/datasets/1990_STF1/data_tables/NP19?version=v1"
result <- GET(url, add_headers(Authorization = my_key))
res_df <- content(result, "parsed", simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
head(res_df, n = 20L) # Contains metadata
# Results
[1] "NP19"

[1] "Race of Householder by Household Type"

[1] "Households"

[1] "EUC"

[1] 20

1                                                             White >> Family households: Married-couple family: With related children
2                                                               White >> Family households: Married-couple family: No related children
3                                   White >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: With related children
4                                     White >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: No related children
5                              White >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: With related children
6                                White >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: No related children
7                                                                              White >> Nonfamily households: Householder living alone
8                                                                          White >> Nonfamily households: Householder not living alone
9                                                             Black >> Family households: Married-couple family: With related children
10                                                              Black >> Family households: Married-couple family: No related children
11                                  Black >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: With related children
12                                    Black >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: No related children
13                             Black >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: With related children
14                               Black >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: No related children
15                                                                             Black >> Nonfamily households: Householder living alone
16                                                                         Black >> Nonfamily households: Householder not living alone
17                                American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Married-couple family: With related children
18                                  American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Married-couple family: No related children
19      American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: With related children
20        American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: No related children
21 American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: With related children
22   American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: No related children
23                                                 American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Nonfamily households: Householder living alone
24                                             American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Nonfamily households: Householder not living alone
25                                        Asian or Pacific Islander >> Family households: Married-couple family: With related children
26                                          Asian or Pacific Islander >> Family households: Married-couple family: No related children
27              Asian or Pacific Islander >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: With related children
28                Asian or Pacific Islander >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: No related children
29         Asian or Pacific Islander >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: With related children
30           Asian or Pacific Islander >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: No related children
31                                                         Asian or Pacific Islander >> Nonfamily households: Householder living alone
32                                                     Asian or Pacific Islander >> Nonfamily households: Householder not living alone
33                                                       Other race >> Family households: Married-couple family: With related children
34                                                         Other race >> Family households: Married-couple family: No related children
35                             Other race >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: With related children
36                               Other race >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: No related children
37                        Other race >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: With related children
38                          Other race >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: No related children
39                                                                        Other race >> Nonfamily households: Householder living alone
40                                                                    Other race >> Nonfamily households: Householder not living alone
1      EUC001
2      EUC002
3      EUC003
4      EUC004
5      EUC005
6      EUC006
7      EUC007
8      EUC008
9      EUC009
10     EUC010
11     EUC011
12     EUC012
13     EUC013
14     EUC014
15     EUC015
16     EUC016
17     EUC017
18     EUC018
19     EUC019
20     EUC020
21     EUC021
22     EUC022
23     EUC023
24     EUC024
25     EUC025
26     EUC026
27     EUC027
28     EUC028
29     EUC029
30     EUC030
31     EUC031
32     EUC032
33     EUC033
34     EUC034
35     EUC035
36     EUC036
37     EUC037
38     EUC038
39     EUC039
40     EUC040
curl -X GET \
  https://api.ipums.org/metadata/nhgis/datasets/1990_STF1/data_tables/NP19?version=v1 \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: $MY_KEY"
# Results
  "name": "NP19",
  "description": "Race of Householder by Household Type",
  "universe": "Households",
  "nhgis_code": "EUC",
  "sequence": 20,
  "variables": [
      "description": "White >> Family households: Married-couple family: With related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC001"
      "description": "White >> Family households: Married-couple family: No related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC002"
      "description": "White >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: With related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC003"
      "description": "White >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: No related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC004"
      "description": "White >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: With related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC005"
      "description": "White >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: No related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC006"
      "description": "White >> Nonfamily households: Householder living alone",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC007"
      "description": "White >> Nonfamily households: Householder not living alone",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC008"
      "description": "Black >> Family households: Married-couple family: With related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC009"
      "description": "Black >> Family households: Married-couple family: No related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC010"
      "description": "Black >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: With related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC011"
      "description": "Black >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: No related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC012"
      "description": "Black >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: With related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC013"
      "description": "Black >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: No related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC014"
      "description": "Black >> Nonfamily households: Householder living alone",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC015"
      "description": "Black >> Nonfamily households: Householder not living alone",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC016"
      "description": "American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Married-couple family: With related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC017"
      "description": "American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Married-couple family: No related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC018"
      "description": "American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: With related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC019"
      "description": "American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Other family: Male householder, no wife present: No related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC020"
      "description": "American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: With related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC021"
      "description": "American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Family households: Other family: Female householder, no husband present: No related children",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC022"
      "description": "American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Nonfamily households: Householder living alone",
      "nhgis_code": "EUC023"
      "description": "American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut >> Nonfamily households: Householder not living alone",

Data Table Attributes

  • name: The unique identifier for the data table within its dataset.
  • description: A short description of the data table.
  • universe: The statistical population (set of entities) measured by this data table (e.g., persons, families, occupied housing units, etc.).
  • nhgis_code: The code for this data table that will appear in extract.
  • sequence: The order for which this data table will appear in the metadata API and extracts.
  • variables: A list of variables within the table.